Tuesday, March 31, 2009

a small recognition... (not a poem)


The Bewildering Stories Review Board has selected one or more of your works for the First Quarterly Review, currently on line. We're very happy to extend this recognition to the outstanding prose and poetry of the season that's just ended. It will be listed again in the 2009 Annual Review due on line on December 28th.

You may have already seen the "1QR," as we call it familiarly, but we modestly refrain from assuming that everyone logs into the website the first thing on Monday. We're just taking this opportunity to send a semi-personal note (it's going to all the "winners" at once) to thank you for providing such good company on line.

Please keep up the good work; you have interested and appreciative readers!

Don Webb, managing editor
Bewildering Stories

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Prairie Prayer

when I died
Samuel buried me
in the breast of our land:

cross made of wood
carted in from somewhere back East,

a cairn of stones
each pulled one at a time
by his hands.

then he remarried
and continued to draw corn from the dirt.

all things come from the dirt,
all things return.

the cross dried in the prairie sun
its splinter bones blowing.

the rocks settled
and forgot their purpose.

by then Samuel, too, was gone.
as were his wife
and their children.

my thoughts come closer
to the wind each season
so that sometimes I cannot tell
who is speaking of

carrying grasshoppers
and bees
and pollen

and who of

forgotten husbands
and unfinished wombs.

Sunday, March 15, 2009



Don't confuse Death's touch
with the bony cartoon digits
of a Halloween costume.

Death's rendering is ever so subtle,
her finger is precise
flicking one adenine loose
from the fresh, wet nucleotide

like an assassin might nick
the break lines of his victim
letting the red fluid drip slowly.
The car will stop today
at the intersection, but tomorrow
or the next day is always coming.

And so you blunder along
and all the while the rot begins
nestled beneath your areola,
sending it's roots deep and slender.

This unfathomable thing
is not subject to righteousness -
and when the lump forms
you flail about fat-fisted
cursing Death
but she is long gone

and you are alone.

woman bird

cloaked in black,
the color that absorbs all light

she mocks the songs you know,
that you are vulnerable to,
though the words have no meaning to her.

lyrics pour forth from her mouth
and you lick them up like honey -

"choose me, love me"
she sings.
this word she comprehends,
like all predators do.

surprised, you look up to find your lips
covered with tar,
warm and thick and inescapable

and the chorus you thought you heard
is really the moaning of eaten souls,
gutted and rendered and forgotten
in the filth.

only your eyes are unclogged
and finally wide
as her beak finds purchase in the flesh of your chest
and the nuzzle becomes a tearing of bone and sinew -
she has won her prize.

she only wishes to fill that void,
and you cannot blame an animal for its hunger,
passed from mother to daughter,
mother to daughter.