Wednesday, May 2, 2018

on the subject of magic

While we're on the subject of magic
did you see the buds on the blueberry bushes
this morning with that particular angle
of the rising sun?
White petals smaller than fingernails
wrapped tight but ready with possibility.

Or - there was the way the shadows played
on the leaf strewn path
through the still bare branches
drawing lines of fate, fleeting.

There was also the brilliant eye of moon
rising over the roof
seeing into our hearts
and knowing.


We’re there on the periphery watching from the outside. We keep learning the center is somewhere else, far away. First it was the surprise that mother existed outside of our needs, then the startling fact that the earth revolves around the sun. Now we peek through satellite images at the party we weren’t invited to from the fringes of the galaxy. We listen to radio waves that were broadcast a billion years ago eager to know if the cool kids looked our way, and maybe noticed us.