Thursday, July 11, 2013

67/365: love is a tidal wave

what new thing is there to say

love -

love is like a time bomb
it's like a tidal wave
it's like all these things

it's always new
under the sun

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

66/365: we came down

we came down from the mountain
where the meager pockets of earth
crimp the juniper roots
and nature forms its own bonsai -
where the sun burns off uncertainty

though our lungs burned
we could see far from the outcrops -
could see promises fulfilled
with no interference
from the murk of atmosphere

here where the foothills begin
the pines do not know the agony
of stingy clouds
and the biting wind -
they grow like ships' masts
in a sheltered port

ahead yet another curve

where either bank of the road
comes together in a vanishing point,
where we must enter shadow -

I wonder if you still know the way

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

65/365: those of us who set out (published in See Spot Run)

not one of us
who set out
was able to follow the map
we had drawn in our hearts.

not one of us
who set out
has returned whole.

we thought the dragons
in the wine dark sea
were just cartographic illuminations.

resilience is a half smile;
recognition, a proffered hand.
