Tuesday, April 22, 2014

78/365: Metis

I heart-see Metis on her river
like a woman in a canoe

while my eyes see the reflected dapple
of leaves and yellow sun

she is what runs through -

her paddle dips below the calm surface
and I study her black hair -
like a waterfall cascading,
the sun, white repeating, in its strands

she turns to look at me on the bank
  eyes now blue as the hopeful sky
  eyes now grey as the storm
  eyes now green as the return of shore grass

my feet are bare
and I am suddenly conscious of the cool mud -
I look down and recognize my origins
as well as my ends.

I look up again
and she is gone


audio: https://soundcloud.com/mbonica/metis

* * *

from http://www.theoi.com/Nymphe/Okeanides.html:

THE OKEANIDES (or Oceanides) were three thousand goddess Nymphs who presided over the sources of earth's fresh-water, ranging from rainclouds to subterranean springs and fountains...Some of the Okeanides personified divine blessings, such as Metis (Wisdom), Klymene (Fame), Plouto (Wealth), Tykhe (Good Fortune), Telesto (Success), and Peitho (Persuasion). 

Saturday, April 19, 2014

77/365: Iron

It is an age passing:

what men will we be,

when iron goes to join

bronze and gold?

Thursday, April 17, 2014

76/365: white room

white room
prison room
waiting room.
time coming.

maintaining balance.

sharpened -
there is a crack there in the concrete.

the steel toilet
the cot
the mattress

this is enough for one more day -
one more hour
