Friday, March 18, 2022


Mac sauce in the corner of your mouth,
crumbs in your moustache,
hours of porn on your phone - 
eating and fornicating 
like a bloated rat on a satin pillow - 
you want to swallow up all that is beautiful -
and even all that is not.

With each bite the gullet grows -
the sin is in the ratio -
nothing created, only consumed.

Friday, March 11, 2022


From the Seven, Envy is my sin
I would banish first -
They are always behind all the others - 
always wanting, seething, moaning -

I would catch them by the ear
and drag them with boots scuffing
to the high city wall of my soul
and hurl them from the parapet
as they wailed about

inequity and injustice.

Friday, March 4, 2022

the path between worlds

Will you follow me on this path
between worlds?
I gesture to where the grass has been worn down
by the feet of generations.
You say, it's just the trail behind the school - 
it comes out by the plaza with the pizza shop 
and the liquor store where the kids try to shoplift booze
if they can't con someone into buying it for them -

Not now, I say, not at this moment, I say,
as the sun retreats leaving the last gentle gold
of a summer day drifting along the horizon

You take my hand and we step past the crushed soda bottle
as if it were a guardian
and we pass into the darkening wood -
you look back for a moment and feel  
the trees close behind us -

we walk and become aware - 
the sound of tires and doors and shouts faded away
while we were not listening -
you draw a bit closer
and I say, it's going to be ok
even as the branches come close

It's too dark - I can't see you, you say -
it's cold.
and now we stand still and I close my eyes,
breathing in mud from the last storm,
mulched leaves, and the fresh growth -

This is what was needed - 
it's not dark, I say -
see now the faerie lights - look through my eyes -
and you see it too - 
dim, but enough that we step toward a clearing -

it's not cold - feel with my hands the radiating fire
and I hold out my hands to the center of things
and you do as well -

now you are telling me about the magic - 
all around us the holly draped and woven with the ivy -

we see it together, hands likewise held.