Saturday, March 15, 2008

Music In the Air

Between the parking lot and the library is the GMU
Performing Arts Center. It is a beautiful clear,
breezy, but cool day here today. As I was crossing
the street and heading toward the campus pond, I
suddenly heard a trumpet coming over the wind and the
water. It was just scales, but he had such clarity
and such range. He must have covered three octaves.
And as he reached the highest range, it felt like

With the sun shining and the air clean and fresh and
music literally in the air, there was no room for
anything like self-pity - even if I was spending my Spring Break in the library.

I finally saw him when I was almost to there. He
was standing outside in a t-shirt (it's definately not
more than 40) and jeans, with just his trumpet. He
was playing something else when I got to him - no
longer reaching for the high notes, but not clearly a
song. But so clear. I stopped and watched him for a
while and he saw me. I was probably a 100 meters
away, but he could have been right next to me it was
so clear. He turned my way and played something that
was probably just part of his warm up.

It's a fine day to be alive his trumpet was saying. I
wanted to thank him for such a wonderful gift this

But I didn't say anything. I just went inside. This
was just a few minutes ago. I wanted to share it with
you because I wanted you to know that I think it is a
fine day to be alive, and I want you to feel that it
is a fine day to be alive, too, even if you didn't get
to hear his music.

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